IT Project Manager and Consultant
Project Manager & Consultant with over 20 years of extensive real estate technology and business experience. Real estate boards and associations across Canada look to Ernie for assistance with their MLS(r), RFP’s, conversions & implementation, project management, software design, quality assurance, usability, and information needs. Developer & designer of many real estate related tools, websites and services including WEBForms(r), a grass roots, Canada-wide online digital forms transaction system. Experienced with many different MLS(r) vendors’ systems, not-for-profit membership management applications and third party tools used in North America.
Contact Information
Ernie Vance, ISP, MBA
Vancouver, Canada
Phone: 604-572-9536
Email: [email protected]
Janet Vance
Vancouver, Canada
Phone: 778.928.8009
Email: [email protected]